Sunday, December 20, 2009

Green Your IT

As outlined in the article, "Nine ways IT can help organizations 'go green' and reduce paper consumption," from ZDNet, there are simple ways organizations can modify their existing IT practices to decrease waste and increase their "green" commitment.

In short, the recommendations are:

1) Use business analytics software
2) Re-align business processes
3) Move business tasks to an electronic format
4) Monitor and regulate printing
5) Eliminate unnecessary printing of documents
6) Review software code - online
7) Increase Data Center capacity
8) Introduce collaboration tools
9) Use mobile devices

For more, be sure to check out the article here. Thanks to Rumneek for passing along!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Financial Recovery & Climate Change

Passed on by Christy, the December issue of the IMF's newsletter Finance & Development, features a few pieces on the stimulation of a green recovery and on climate policy in hard economic times. An important take-away: actions must be balanced to both mitigate climate change and encourage growth and future prosperity.

It is certainly worth a read: December 2009 IMF F&D Issue

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Make a Positive Impact this Holiday Season!

This holiday season, focus on the three main areas below to make a positive impact.

  • Give sustainable gifts. Treehugger's 2009 Gift Guide is a great place to start. Consider spending time with friends and family as well as exploring the options below:
    * Give a microloan from or MicroPlace
    * Donate three bed nets from Malaria No More for $30
    * Help an entrepreneur or family with Heifer International - a $20 donation can buy someone a flock of geese
    * Support social and economic justice and buy Fair Trade Goods from Global ExchangeWorld of Good, and Fair Trade Federation Members.
    * Donate to your favorite nonprofit. We can think of one in particular that would love your support.

  • Reduce holiday waste. Purchase biodegradable flatware and utensils and LED Christmas bulbs that use 80-90% less energy than incandescents for office events. Check out this great column from for more ideas.  

  • Give back to your community. From helping out at a local homeless shelter to hosting a gift exchange for families in need, volunteering can be a team building exercise that allows you and your colleagues to give back during the holiday season. For a short-term project consider the resources of organizations such as Points of Light and VolunteerMatch. If you're interested in something more long-term, consider working with your local Net Impact Chapter and joining or helping start a Service Corps or Board Fellows program in your local area.
I am sure there are many more ways we can have positive impact this holiday season.  What are you doing to make a difference?